Page 12 - HIWT Winter 2015 World of Welding
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            Hobart Institute Recognizes Excellence

              The Hobart Institute recognizes   COMBINATION STRUCTURAL                HIGH HONORS
              excellence in performance of people who   & PIPE WELDING PROGRAM
              go above and beyond the requirements                                    Paul DiNome
              or levels of desirability to exceed normal   Steven R. Duke, III        January 19, 2015  October 23, 2015
              expectations.  Those who have met these   January 19, 2015  September 25, 2015
              goals in this past quarter are listed.                                  Gregory P. Grimminger
                                               Derek K. Looser                        January 19, 2015  October 23, 2015
                                               December 8, 2014  September 25, 2015
              HIGH ACADEMIC                                                           Cody A. Hysell
              ACHIEVEMENT                      Cole M. Peterson                       February 16, 2015  October 23, 2015
                                               December 8, 2014  September 25, 2015
              Hobart Institute provides two levels of                                 Bruce C. Loving
              academic achievement.  This recognition   Jonathon G. Rehner            August 17, 2009  August 28, 2015
              is based on the grade point average   January 19, 2015  September 25, 2015
              of students in the fve or nine-month
              programs at HIWT.  Candidates for this   Paul DiNome
              award must reach a GPA of 3.5 to 3.79   January 19, 2015  October 23, 2015
              to receive high honors and 3.8 to 4.0 to
              receive the highest honors.
                                               Gregory P. Grimminger
                                               January 19, 2015  October 23, 2015

              PERFECT ATTENDANCE               Cody A. Hysell
              Students may achieve perfect attendence   February 16, 2015  October 23, 2015
              status by attending Hobart Institute
              in the fve month Structural Welding   Lance M. Phillips
              Program or the nine-month Combination   January 19, 2015  October 23, 2015
              Structural and Pipe Welding Program
              without missing even one day of class.
              Hobart Institute congratulates these
              students who have made this extra
              effort.  Future employers take notice
              of this achievement and students are
              encouraged to strive for this goal.

            Scholarship Highlight: Ross Hill Receives The Mike Rowe Works Scholarship

                                 Ross Hill was one of three HIWT      How did you learn about the Mike Rowe Works
                                 students to receive a $4,000 Mike   Q:  Scholarship and what did you have to do for the
                                 Rowe Works Scholarship for the 2015-  scholarship application?
                                 2016 school year.                    I follow Mike Rowe on social media and he had mentioned
                                 Ross is a proud Eagle Scout from   A:  his scholarships. I also enjoy his tv shows. I had to write an
                                 Zionsville, Indiana. His dream welding   essay and submit recommendations.
                                 job is to own his own welding
                                 business one day.                    What do you like most about HIWT?

              Q:  Why did you choose welding as your trade?      A:   I like that the curriculum is challenging. Being challenged
                                                                      is what makes you a better welder. It also prepares you for
                                                                      the feld.
              A:  I have loved welding ever since I was in the 7th grade. I
                  got a hold of an old propane torch and the rest is history.

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