Page 8 - HIWT Winter 2017 World of Welding
P. 8

(Continued from page 9
            Corporate Services with Fast Processing            other factors. Completing

            If a business wants to know how a new welder is performing, or   paperwork with the
            to see how viable welded parts are according to an AWS, API,   interpretation to a code
            ASME, or Military Specifications Code, the school can tell them.   takes place, too.
            By shipping welded specimens, staff members can test their   He has performed up to
                                         qualities through a variety   100 inspections a day using
                                         of procedures. Same day   different methods. “We can
                                         turnaround can even be   send pictures so companies
                                         arranged.             will know what’s good and
                                         Taking x-rays is one way to   bad based on porosity,”
                                         determine acceptability —   Hasting said.
                                         Figs. 7, 8. This takes place   Students also benefit from
                                         in the facility’s x-ray lab   on-site testing. They can   Fig. 8 — This x-ray of a gas tungsten
                                         with computed radiography  get their welds evaluated,   arc welded titanium piece, located
                                                                                      between the second set of numbers to
                                         abilities. Welded samples   then go back in the shop and   the left and 25, is ready to be evaluated
                                         are set on imaging plates   have quick answers to their   to an AWS Code.
                                         in the middle of the x-ray   questions.
                                         machine, which is lined
                                         with lead so no radiation   KRISTIN CAMPBELL ( is features editor
            Fig. 7 — Inside the x-ray machine, two              of Inspection Trends. Photographs taken by the author with
            1-in. blocks on an imaging plate wait to get   will escape. Images are   permission of the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology..
            examined.                    taken and reviewed on a
                                         high-resolution monitor.
            Part numbers are recorded as well.                 How the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology Helps the Inspection
                                                               Industry,” printed in the Nov. 2017 Inspection Trends and written by
            Testing Specialist Mark Hasting pointed out it’s essential to see   Features Editor Kristin Campbell, is being reprinted with permission
            the thickness of the base metal and get an in-focus shot, so   of AWS and is copyright of AWS.
            inspectors can zoom in and view the weld to look for inclusions and

            2017 WINTER ISSUE - 8 -
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